Health Conditions, Skin Health

Holistic Ayurvedic Remedies for Psoriasis: Dosha Balance and Lifestyle Tips

Psoriasis and its Ayurvedic Management

The traditional ayurvedic name for Psoriasis Skin Rash is Eka-Kustha. It is a continual skin condition this is auto-immune, causing the speedy division of pores and skin cells, ensuing within the formation of red, scaly patches, also called plaques. Seb derm can erupt in any place of the frame. However, it maximum typically affects the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. 

Causes and Triggers of Psoriasis Skin Rash (Eka Kustha) According to Ayurveda:

Causes (Nidana):

  1. Imbalanced Doshas: Alone, psoriasis is a condition that is primarily associated with the dysfunction of two main doshas, that is, Vata and Kapha. If there is a dominance of forward-moving energy, toxic products of digestion (ama) may collect in the body tissues and produce skin conditions. 
  2. Poor Digestion (Mandagni): Digestive problems result in a toxic build-up within the body. Which is not good for a psoriasis patient. 
  3. Genetic Factors: The skin condition tends to develop and can be passed down from one generation to another, thus being genetic. 
  4. Immune System Dysfunction: Psoriasis is also assessed as an autoimmune condition. The immune system starts attacking the healthy cells of the skin, which results in fast cell division. 


  1. Cold, Dry Weather: Depression of skin humidity is unfavorable for the skin condition; the skin begins to dry up, and this causes psoriasis. 
  2. Stress: This paper additionally mounted that hormonal pressure is most of the causes of the flare-united statesand worsening of psoriasis. 
  3. Certain Medications: The not unusual offenders are beta-blockers, lithium, and antimalarial capsules, which usually cause a worsening of pores and skin conditions. 
  4. Infections: Psoriasis can broaden at any time. At some point of a everyday or streptococcal contamination – and the manifestations are exacerbated or flare up again. 
  5. Skin Injury: Psoriasis signs arise while the affected person has an contamination or insect bites, cuts/soreness, and sunburn. Moreover, vaccine administration will reason lesions to seem for a person with this sickness.
  6. Alcohol and Smoking: I am sure you know that alcohol, smoking, and such products affect the state of health and interfere with the skin, pulling a person closer to psoriasis.

Symptoms and Types of Psoriasis (Eka Kustha):

  1. Red Patches of Skin: They are mostly white or silvery and thick, and often elevated in appearance and itchy and often sore. 
  2. Scaling Spots: Petechiae are another type of skin hemorrhage. They range pinpoint-sized and are frequently yellow-red; children tend to suffer from them. 
  3. Dry, Cracked Skin: Based on the condition’s cycle, the skin lesions may become dry and begin to desquamate, and at other times, they may bleed. 
  4. Itching and Burning: Some patients with psoriasis may feel itching, burning, or soreness in the parts of their body that have the psoriasis lesions. 
  5. Nail Changes: Nail involvement is one of the ways through which psoriasis manifests itself. Because the nails may become thick, pitted, or ridged. 
  6. Joint Swelling: Psoriasis can sometimes cause the joints to become swollen and rigid; this is known as psoriatic arthritis.

Ayurvedic Management for Psoriasis Skin Rash (Eka Kustha):

  1. Balancing Doshas: The management also adopts changes in diet and lifestyle. That help control the Vata and Kapha doshas aggravation, together with the use of herbs. 
  2. Detoxification: The category of procedure includes such Panchakarma techniques. As Vamana – force vomiting and Virechana – therapeutic purging, so it assists in eradicating toxins in the body that may be responsible for skin conditions. 
  3. Useful Herbs: Among them, some are Neem (Azadirachta indica), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). Which are used in inflammatory conditions, Pruritus, and scaly conditions. 
  4. External Applications: Lochia, creams, and pastes that are prepared from selected parts of the plants. Such as the stem, bark, root, and leaves, are employed for managing the skin and for softening it. Where it is scalier or to use in the healing up various kinds of wounds. 
  5. Dietary Modifications: Practicing a proper diet that has little impact on our stomach and avoiding foods that cause psoriasis. Such as spicy foods and sour and fermented goods, is very vital. 
  6. Lifestyle Changes: Stress must not be done, or rather. It should be controlled; one should bathe often and should not rub the part affected with psoriasis successively. 


The principles of Ayurveda are useful when managing psoriasis. As the aim is to identify the cause of the condition and restore the balance of the doshas. Besides the principles of Ayurveda, the patient should maintain an appropriate life regimen, control stress and Psoriasis triggering factors to minimize symptom manifestation. 

Disclaimer: Before one decides to take on any new health program, it is recommended that one seek advice from an Ayurvedic practitioner.

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